Did Not Attend (DNA) Policy

These days, many patients complain that they cannot see a GP or Nurse quickly. Patients failing to attend appointments is a huge and avoidable waste of valuable GP and Nurse appointments. In the past 6 months over 90 hours of appointment time has been lost at Links Road due to patients who “did not attend”, this is equivalent to us losing a whole GP clinic every single week.

Please help us to avoid this by cancelling your appointment in good time (preferably 24 hours ahead) so that we may offer your appointment to another patient who needs it.

You can cancel your appointment in the following ways:

  • online via our appointments app
  • by replying CANCEL to your appointment reminder text
  • by phoning 01273 412585 (you may leave a message overnight)


  • On all occasions you will receive a text communication (if you have a mobile/smart phone)
  • The second time we will issue a “YELLOW CARD” letter to remind patients that in future they must cancel appointments if they are unable to attend.
  • After three failures to attend we will issue a “RED CARD” letter and review whether or not to continue your care at this surgery (and we may consider advising you to register with another surgery).

To avoid all of this please ensure that you cancel your appointment in good time (and an absolute minimum of an hour before the appointment time. Anything cancelled after this time could still count as a DNA).

Date published: 16th July, 2024
Date last updated: 16th July, 2024